Developing a .NET Course

So next semester I will be taking an ASP.NET independent study. As of the Fall 2005 school year, at Grand Valley no .NET courses are offered. Being that I’m in the West Michigan .NET Users Group and a Student Ambassador I think that I for one need to be constantly brushing up (or learning!) on .NET. I had actually brought up the idea of learning ASP.NET to a professor of mine and he had mentioned that he had an interest in learning it as well. The two of us since then have designed an independent study curriculum which will cover the following topics:

    Master Pages
    Security, Roles, Membership
    User Profiles, Themes
    Page and Control Lifecycle
    Data Access and Data Controls
    Site Navigation Controls and SiteMap Provider
    Personalization/Web Parts
    Securing ASP.NET Applications
    Caching for performance

Professor Roger Ferguson also had told me that if everything goes well with this curriculum he would be willing to teach the class in an upcoming semester as a “Special Topics” course. That news is great to hear, because it’s proof to me that faculty are interested in teaching the .NET technology which Grand Valley is currently absent of… This is all a bit of repetition for GV though, i suppose, i stumbled across proof that this had been tried before [by Eric Maino].

At the very least I’m happy to be done with this semester of classes. I’ve only got the looming exams next week. Then off to few weeks of down time, then back into .NET!


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