Affiliate for the Department of Redundancy Department?

Ok so I’ve realized in the past few weeks I’m caught in a bit of a cycle. So it’s not really a secret that I’m trying to proactively increase the amount of content this site provides in an attempt to increase my draw for readers. That being said I’ve been trying to seek out CPM networks and other potential advertising avenues which would be of interest to my readers. Herein lies my issue. While trying to seek out more content to provide I’m asked to have a lower limit of visitors to my site before I can be considered for many networks.

No, I’m trying to GROW my traffic and interest in my site. By stating I’m currently at level X, I feel as if I’m actively handicapping myself when I’m actually trying to grow make improvements.

On a slightly different topic, I’m yet to hear from VCM regarding two contact emails I’d sent. I not have two sites that meet their criteria for getting into their network, however I cannot seem to get in contact with anyone from VCM regarding the situation. Alternatives anyone?

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